James Jones & Associates
Our Heritage, Missions and Philosophy
Our Heritage
The Jones family has a long history in Bedford
County Virginia traceable back to Captain Tandy Jones who was a road master for the railroad during the middle 1800’s.
His son Joel farmed the land of which is part of today's family farm in Thaxton, Virginia. Ernest the son of Joel, bought
the farm from his mother Sarah Virginia and a few years later in 1946 purchased the first bulldozer owned in Bedford County,
Virginia. Even before primary school James Jones, Jr. traveled with his father James Sr. and grandfather
Ernest from Virginia to Missouri. Training of that day included: pick up rocks, dig up stumps, cut brush, rake, backfill
around forms, fetch wrenches, carry water/fuel, grease equipment, and any thing that young ones were allowed to do at
that time. Those experiences lead to setting forms, tying steel, finishing concrete and eventually operating trucks,
tractors, lift trucks, and other related equipment. After graduation from Liberty High School in 1977, attending several colleges
and universities along with serving 6 years abroad in the US Navy, James Jr. returned home worked for several companies installing,
repairing, improving, and maintaining mechanical as well as electrical systems and equipment. In 1994 after working himself out of his job, he founded James Jones & Associates and began
sub– contracting residential and light commercial, new construction and repairs. In 1996 he purchased his first track
loader and single axle dump truck. In 1997 the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
upgraded James Jones & Associates license to Class “A” building and highway heavy. James’ training,
certifications and experience cover a broad range of engineering fields from mechanical, electrical, to civil. has his mark
on work that spans from Illinois to Florida and from Virginia to Missouri and even helped repair an orphanage building
in Djibouti, Africa. In 2002 James
Jones & Associates purchased the building and property located at 1401 Park Street in Bedford, Virginia. Since then has
been remodeling the building and operating from that location. In 2009-2010 James, Jr. became the first Contractor and non- VDH employee to complete the Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Health Environmental Health training program on Private wells and Onsite sewage systems covering topics from
regulations to soil taxonomy and system design. To better understand and contribute to the improvement of our environment. We continue to keep our training
beyond the installer operator level, through such organizations as The National Onsite Wastewater Recycling
Association(NOWRA), Virginia Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association(VOWRA) and other sources of professional development. At this time James, Jr. is seeking licensure as an Alternative
Onsite Soil Evaluator and progressing toward licensure as a Certified Professional Engineer.
We believe a business is not only a vehicle to produce
an income for those who work there, but a vehicle to help improve the world around us. We attempt to blend the desires of
our customers in to God’s creation. The income we procure supports local, national and international missions aimed
at improving the quality of life and preserving the environment around the world. Click on the missions link to view pictures from some of our ongoing mission projects.
We follow one simple philosophy
known for thousands of years:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” While most of our competitors are completely unaware of the environmental impact they have by simply “Doing
a job” , we have taken a stand reduce and sometimes reverse the damage caused by carelessly building and developing
the world in which we live. The cost of this vision is expensive and when considering every job we will attempt
to cajole the customer into taking a long term view of what is being done and investing in their own future. Construction is not an exact science and even when experienced professionals
and the latest technologies re used, unseen factors arise. When this occurs, we attempt to minimize the impact of those
factors, by using knowledge, experience and involving the customer to educate them of potential solutions.
As a contractor, I have learned, that an agreement or contract, no matter
how extensive, is only as good as the TRUST between the parties involved. We promise, to treat
every customer with the honor, trust, and respect that we expect to get in return.
We support the following organizations by
contributing time, work and finances:
Rotary International, American Red
Cross, Ruritan National, Boy and Girl Scouting, Various local school academic and athletic programs, Various churches and
their related programs, Habitat for humanity, as well as day to day respectful support and treatment of other human beings.